
Level 1: Beginner Course

1-Day Toxin & Filler Training (this is the 1-Day course)

Now Enrolling: April 2023

In Level 1, you will build the foundation to launch your aesthetic medicine career. This comprehensive course covers neurotoxins and fillers, providing you with the basic groundwork necessary to become a successful aesthetic injector.
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3-Day Ready-Set-Go Program

Now Enrolling: April 2023

This course goes a step beyond Level 1 to include marketing, social media management, business development, branding, contract negotiation, and more. We discuss the nuts and bolts of starting or working within a business in aesthetic medicine and the secrets to ultimately growing your business.
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Business Development 1-Day Seminar

Now Enrolling: April 2023

Launching a successful aesthetic business is no small task. This group of courses will provide unique learning opportunities focused on the business of aesthetic medicine. From human resources and staffing to marketing and social media management, you will learn the nuts and bolts and ultimately the secrets they never taught you during your medical training.
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